Read our FAQs – National Access

At National Access, we offer simple, affordable access to advanced funding and billing services to help you grow your business. Read our frequently asked questions and answers below, or contact us to learn more about the benefits of working with us today.

Who is eligible for financing?

National Access is only working with established firms that have the highest standards of ethics, with a goal of providing the best legal representation, at a rate that is a fair value to the client, while acknowledging the attorneys expertise and time spent.

Are you a collection company?

No. National Access is a business financing and payment processing company. Non-paying clients of the firm will be returned for alternative collection efforts by the law firm.

Why use the National Access Portal?

Every firm and debtor has their own account on the National Access Portal. Here, a user can see past payments, future scheduled payments, skip a payment, update payment information, as well as check and pay the outstanding balance.

How do I know if my clients are eligible?

Your client must be currently employed with at least three months of steady employment, or your client must be currently receiving sufficient ongoing governmental benefits. Exclusions include unemployment and child support garnishment that will be deducted before calculating eligible gross income. Clients must also only use a debit card for all financial transactions.

What is the approval process?

The firm, through the portal, will complete the client information form and submit to National Access for approval. Approval typically happens on the same day.

Do I have to use your services for all clients?

No, you only have to use us for the clients who you need to finance.

What do your services cost?

Our services cost the client nothing, so long as all payments are made on time. The firm accepts a smaller upfront portion of the collected payments in return for the payment processing and financing costs.

How long are typical contracts?

Plans range from 4 to 10 months.

How can working with National Access help me to grow my business?

Many growing business, including law firms, need cash for growth. By converting a lead from a “no” to a “yes”, National Access provides firms with the upfront funding to provided legal services to those who would have otherwise been turned away.

How do I get started?

Click on the “Apply Now” button below to fill out our simple form, and a representative will contact you shortly to discuss your eligibility.